Monday, February 13, 2012

Maryland's Primary Election: Not Just for Republicans!

This is the text of a letter sent to the Sunpapers.

To the editor:

As we read the news and follow television coverage, we might get the erroneous impression that only Republicans need to pay attention to election issues. It’s not so!

At the moment the Republican field for the presidential election is more crowded than the Democratic, but many of the national offices will have contested primaries in both parties. Not only will the presidential candidates be on the primary ballot, so too will be candidates for U.S. Senate (Senator Cardin’s seat will be contested) and candidates for all Congressional seats. Due to the recent redistricting, many voters will be voting in different congressional districts from those of the last decade and so will need to learn about different candidates.

We urge all citizens of Maryland to pay attention to non-partisan publications like the League of Women Voters’ Voters’ Guide. This guide, available online February 18th at, compares the views of all candidates on issues important to Marylanders.

The voter who studies it goes into the poll on April 3 with an educated idea of the best candidate to represent him or her.

Tracy Miller and Betsy Sexton
Co-Presidents, Baltimore County League of Women Voters